Semiahmoo Town Center Plaza
powierzchnia: 500000m2
The main idea of the proposal is to make the plaza friendly and open for visitors. To achieve it the residential towers were moved to the background so they left the view open and cast shadow in the area outside the plot. They were complemented with lower structures on the other side which hold most of the commercial services. The combination of these different size buildings creates modern yet friendly environment while precisely sculpted details give the plaza a fine , cutting edge look.
The square
The new public square is situated below grade level. Three of its sides form and amphitheater made of sitting steps. One of the corners of the plaza is occupied by a multipurpose arena capable of holding various public events. The plaza is surrounded by small services including cafes, restaurants and clubs. The area close to the street is occupied by the fountain which spouts thin water jets. It forms a fine curtain separating the square from the traffic, but also leaving the view open. The arterial was also improved with modern lightning and low evergreen trees.
# projekty architektoniczne
Rozbudowa szpitala, Wrocław
Rozbudowa Wrocławskiego szpitala o nowy budynek bloku operacyjnego z reorganizacją oddziałów.
# urbanistyka
Rewitalizacja rynku, Koszalin
Rewitalizacja przestrzeni rynku staromiejskiego oraz projektowana konstrukcja sceny widowiskowej. Architekt: Jakub Pszeniczny.
# architekt. + projektowanie wnętrz
Obiekt sanitarny w Katowicach
Obiekt sanitarny w centrum Katowic wpisany w surową architekturę miasta.
# architekt. + projektowanie wnętrz
Pawilon wielofunkcyjny, Kraków
Projekt architektoniczny pawilonu informacyjno-sanitarnego przy rondzie Mogilskim w Krakowie.